Class a

Offers a Higher, Stable and Steady Return with mortgages on Single-Family, mostly owner occupied homes.

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The fund's revenue is generated from interest earned on the mortgage loans advanced, fees charged, and, in some cases, capital gains. It should be noted that although the fund invests in mortgages of residential properties, it does not engage in property management or development.

A must have for successful long term investors.

Class A

The Fund's primary focus is investments in hard assets, such as valuable Canadian real estate properties and may have exposure to soft assets in the early development stages that are categorized as equity.

Relatively low-risk first and second residential mortgages, HELOCs, and may have a commercial mortgage component.

The Fund looks to mitigate the risks associated with mortgage investments by combining high-quality mortgages assets into a diversified pool.

Fund Fact sheet

Class A

10.00 %

Targeted Net Return per annum


Fund Code


Minimum Amount

24 Months

Minimum Term


Account Type

Registered funds eligibility

Monthly dividends payouts Options

Dividends Re-Investment Plan Options

Transfers-in accepted from other FI

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